Peace Of Mind

We live in the vast sea of vibes. That picture posted on the wall of your office, that post you saw on Facebook, the way your shampoo smells, the way that lady in your neighborhood looks, that sushi you had yesterday, the touch of your daughter's hair, every single living and non-living thing that come in contact with you, sends out a vibe and you are like a transmitter who receives that vibe, and that vibe is interpreted in you mind. It doesn't necessarily provoke a substantial thought or emotion in you that you can experience or even acknowledge, but the effect of that vibe, good or bad, is stored in your mind forever.
All five of your senses, sight, sound, smell, taste and touch are the receivers through which these vibes are transmitted into your mind.
Your brain is designed to forget the information you learn as you store new information in it, but the effect of these vibes are not erased, they are always there. They just get piled up. We need to consciously witness the process of these vibes being received and experienced in our minds.
Your mind is like an interface that is one of a kind. It converts the vibe it receives into the format that it can receive and store like no other can. That's why everyone's reaction toward a certain vibe is different from one another.
We must learn to decode these vibes. Every person we see every day, we don't know what kind of life their are living. We don't know about the battles they are fighting. Everybody puts up a strong and happy face and heads out in the world because they want to survive. We all want to have a life we always dreamed about and when that dream doesn't come true, we try to convince ourselves and others that the life you are living right now is the life you always dreamed to have.
We are all slaves of our emotions and desires. Our desire to be loved, our desire to be praised, our desire to be respected. We all have expectations from each other. Fundamentally we are species who "seek" more than we "give". Our minds are tainted by our own betrayals, disappointments, failures, fears, insecurities, expectations and jealousies.
We grow up believing in something larger than life. We grow up believing that we are capable of achieving everything, and then one day when we realize that we are grown up and we did achieve everything we wanted to achieve, we experience a certain vacuum with a question - "What next ?"
Our mind wonders and ponders over these questions- Is this all life has to offer me? Is this all I have to offer to life? We try to keep our minds occupied and entertained by going on trips, singing at karaoke, watching basketball, playing golf, hanging out with people who are feeling the same vacuum, and we let ourselves forget about that vacuum.
We get great appraisals at work, we are doing everything we can to be a great wife or husband, we are giving everything to our kids and trying to be great parents, we are rewarding ourselves by indulging in the luxury and comfort we always dreamed of during our struggling years, but that vacuum is still there. We may ignore its existence but it's there. What is that vacuum?
After achieving and accomplishing every thing, we realize that this is not it, your heart is still not content, and that's when you realize that all this time all your heart wanted was peace of mind. All your heart wanted is for you to be able to say that I am happy with everything in my life and I don't want anything else. I am content.
But those vibes, millions of vibes every day, don't let your mind be at peace .They keep bringing tide of emotions in your mind every day. They make you tired and exhausted, they are so many of them and they come and go so fast that you eventually forget which one you wanted to hold on to.
Your mind is like a lake, a very volatile surface, sensitive to even the tiniest movement. And all your life you work hard to make that lake placid and calm among the winds and pebbles of all the millions of vibes.
Majority of us don't do enough physical work during the day, but still at the end of the day we are exhausted, we want to be able to sleep like a baby, because sleep is the only time when we don't receive these vibes and your mind resets itself.
If there's one thing I want to learn is to be able to organize and structure my thoughts and emotions in a more positive and constructive way, and to be able to channel the energy that is produced by these thoughts and emotions in the right direction.
Those millions of vibe you experience every day are also experienced by other people around you. And when these two transmitters meet, they splash into each other's lake recklessly. We are all seeking someone who would tranquil that water, and calm the lake, but everyone ends up churning that volatile surface knowingly or unknowingly. If only there was someone who could tranquil our lake without being affected by my own movements.
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