A Short Story: Convocation

The campus was full of students dressed in the graduation
robes surrounded by their family and friends. Shivam arrived on the campus a
little early than the scheduled time.
He was invited as one of the three guests to give an
inspiring speech to the proud IIM-A graduates. He was visiting his Alma Mater
after more than twenty years and it still looked the same. The legacy and the pride
of the institute sparkled from its brick walls.
Millions of memories of this magnificent campus passed by
his mind just in a fraction of a second. Shivam was accompanied by the Dean,
Mr. Sampath Narayan, to the stage. As they were talking, the second guest of
the evening appeared. Shivam looked at this guest as Mr. Narayan rushed towards
her to greet her. He could not believe his eyes. Is it really her? Is it Kajal?
Kajal and Mr. Narayan walked towards Shivam on the stage and
Mr. Narayan introduced them to each other. Shivam interrupted him and said- 'Of
course, so glad to see you here Kajal.'
Glad to see you too. - She said. She did not look surprised
at all. Shivam wondered why. Maybe she read the names of the guests on the invitation
card that IIM sent, unlike Shivam. He just confirmed the date and time from the
card and put it away.
So you have already met before. - Mr. Narayan figured.
Yes, we were only one batch apart. She was my junior.- Shivam
told Mr. Narayan but was looking at Kajal.
Before they could continue their short rendezvous, the third
guest of the event, the State Education minister, arrived at the campus. She
was supposedly the most important guest. Mr. Narayan and everyone else got
alarmed and welcomed the minister on stage. For a political leader, she was
quite on time for the event. Shivam did not get a chance to talk to Kajal during
this time. He was still quite surprised that Kajal was here. In a normal
situation, Shivam would have wondered why they invited this college dropout
Education Minister for this event, but his mind only had thoughts of Kajal.
After everyone took their seats on the stage, the
convocation officially began.
Shivam was completely phased out during the first part of
the convocation when the Diplomas were given out to the graduates by the
Education Minister. Shivam's mind took him back to his past. Kajal was a big
part of his IIM days and he used to love her. He thought about the last time he
saw her on his convocation day. It was
his last day on the campus. He was going to drive back home with his parents
that same day.
After the convocation was finished, Kajal had walked up to Shivam,
where he was standing with his parents, and said to him- Congratulations Shivam!
Very happy for you.
Shivam had introduced Kajal to his parents. Kajal had left
after a small formal talk with his parents. That was the last time he saw her.
He called her that night after reaching home.
'Why did you leave Shivam? I feel the whole campus is
haunting me without you.'- She had said, with a lot of sadness in her voice. Shivam
was more practical than her and focused on his start-up after coming back home.
He kept in touch with her via phone and emails for sometime but gradually they
lost touch.
wondered what Kajal had been doing all these years. Shivam read about her
wedding in the IIM newsletter a couple of years after they lost touch. He used
to read news and articles about her once in a while. She had been the COO of a
Fortune 500 company and made it to the list of 100 Most Influential People on
Time magazine. Shivam never looked at her as someone who could do all this when
they were in a relationship. Maybe because he was attracted towards her
innocence, not intelligence.
always saw Kajal as a cute pretty girl at that time. After they started dating,
they never talked about classes or any education related things, because the
time spent with each other, was the only time they got to escape from all the
classes and projects. Kajal was crazy about Shivam. She had let herself fall
for him even though he had told her in the beginning that he would marry the
girl his parents choose for him.
long walks to Iskon
Temple in the evening,
their dinner dates at Honest Restaurant, their table tennis games on the
campus, their long drives on S.G.
Highway on Shivam's bike, all of them flashed in
front of Shivam's eyes. He was surprised how much he could recall even though
he had a bad memory. Kajal used to be very easy going back then, never
demanding or needy. She didn't get mad at him when he used to forget her birthdays.
Kajal's birthday fell on March 14 and Shivam would always wish her on March 15,
no matter how hard he tried to remember. After he finished college, he had called
Kajal to wish her birthday and she had said with her sweet voice - 'Thank you.
It means a lot to me.'
had asked- 'So what are your plans for today?'
plans for today since I celebrated it yesterday.' - Kajal had said with a
little mystery in her voice.
yesterday?.....wait a minute, did I do it again? - Shivam had realized he had
called a day later again.
sure did.' - Kajal had said softly, without any anger in her voice.
man, I was very sure I got it right this time.' - Shivam had felt a little
okay. Even if it is a wrong date, I'm glad you can at least remember the wrong
one. Besides, you can call me on any random date of the year to wish me happy
birthday and it would still mean a lot to me." - Kajal had said lovingly.
today, that Kajal is running a Fortune 500
company, and is known for her excellence in Six Sigma philosophy, not allowing
even one variation in a million opportunities. She is notorious for being a
perfectionist.' - Shivam wondered how come she never expected such perfection
from him, he never also saw her leadership skills when they were in a
relationship. Shivam was always in charge and always made all the decisions
about their relationship. There wasn't any conscious effort made by either of
them to take the charge or to give the charge. It happened naturally and both
of them were comfortable with it.
Shivam came back to the present when he heard Kajal's name announced
by the host. He had missed the entire Diploma Awarding Ceremony and the
Education Minister's speech because of the rushing of all the memories of Kajal.
'Thank God the minister left without quizzing me about her
speech.'- Shivam recalled his IIM lectures.
Shivam saw Kajal get up and walked towards the microphone.
'She looks intimidating but still beautiful. - Shivam made a
subtle observation.
Kajal started talking in a slow, relaxed pace, making a
strong eye contact with her audience. Shivam and everyone present at the event,
turned their ears to her.
''Good morning everyone, I am honored to be among all of you
today. Congratulations to all the students who received their prestigious
Diploma today. It is thrilling to see these bright people, who are ready to
change the world, about to change the world, just a day away from starting to
change the world.
This institute has the legacy of many decades of creating
the best business professionals in the nation. Occasionally, I read in the
newspapers that an IIM graduate got a 1 Crore rupees a year salary offer, 1.5
crore, 2 crore and so on, and I have seen people awe over it. I would really
like to know how you, the IIM graduates, feel about that. Do you feel proud or
does it offend you? Are you comfortable with people putting your worth on
display in front of the world? It sounds
like an auction to me.
Why is the salary figure becoming the news? Why not the
position or even better, the accomplishments of these graduates a few years
down the road? I hardly read any news about the IIM graduates who turn their
company around and make it successful. Why? Because we live in a society where
the definition of success has narrowed down to materialistic wealth.
Today is a good day for you to introspect and think what you
really want to accomplish in your life. Mr.
Barack Obama says that focusing your
life solely on making a buck shows a certain poverty of ambition. Underline the word
solely here. There is nothing wrong with making more money, either for your
company or for yourself, but that shouldn't be the first goal, that shouldn't
be the only goal. I have always believed that the money, that comes as a
byproduct of the work you love, is the best kind of money.
is the IIM, Indian Institute of Management, M stands here for Management, not
Money. Do not limit yourself just by aiming for more money. You are capable of
achieving much more than that. You have the capability to change the nation for
better. As an IIM graduate, the world is looking at you for the solution to the
problems of the business world. Be a role
model to the rest of the world, not only in finance management, resource
management, quality management, but also in change management, time management,
people management, skills management and stress management. Put your degree to
work and make it count. - Kajal stopped for a moment and ended her speech by
am glad I could share my thoughts with you today. I cannot wait to hear the
news of your accomplishments. Now go out there and make us proud ! ''
entire auditorium was filled with cheers and applaud.
recalled that Kajal came from a wealthy family and never really cared about
money. She always talked about the quality of resources in life and Shivam
always talked about the quantity. They never really argued about it but each of
them was aware about the other's view on this.
tried to shake off the thoughts of Kajal and their relationship from his mind.
He had prepared his speech but could not recall a single word of that speech.
He was just mesmerized by Kajal, her persona and her speech. As if he was
falling for her all over again and she was a completely different Kajal.
walked towards the microphone and began his speech by saying:
is nothing left to say for me after Kajal's speech. I can call her by her first
name because she was my junior in this institute. I would just compliment and
complement her speech by adding a story which I heard from one of my dearest friends
a long time ago.
was a man who couldn't sleep at night. He was poor and couldn't afford to buy a
bed and a mattress so he used to sleep on the floor. One time he saw this
beautiful mattress on display in a store and thought if he gets this mattress,
he would be able to sleep. He prayed to God for that mattress. After a few
years, he was wealthy enough to buy that mattress. That day he was very happy.
He told himself- 'Finally tonight, I will be able to sleep peacefully.'
lied down on the mattress and tried to fall asleep, but he couldn't. The
expensive mattress had no positive impact on his sleep whatsoever. He
complained to God and God replied by saying- 'Well, you never asked me for
sleep, you asked for the mattress.'
moral of the story is we often get confused about what we really want in life,
so do our customers. First, learn to have a clear vision, in your personal and
professional life. And secondly, do not give your customers an expensive
mattress when, what they really want, is sleep. You will be able to fool them
once but will lose them forever. Remember this story because it guides you in
your personal and your professional life.
congratulate all of you for your extraordinary achievement today and look
forward to hear about more of your success stories. - Shivam ended his speech
hurriedly just so he can get more time to talk to Kajal.
waited to speak to Kajal after the convocation. Some of the students came up to
her and Shivam and kept them busy for a while. He saw Kajal leaving when he was
still talking to one of the students. He excused himself and rushed to Kajal.
Kajal, Leaving already? - Shivam caught her just in time.
I have a flight to catch. - Kajal stopped to talk to him.
see. How have you been? It's been so long. -
Shivam said.
I've been great. How about you? - She was courteous but indifferent.
was taken aback a little by her indifference. It was like he never knew this
Kajal before. - 'I've been good too. I just can't believe that you are the same
girl I went to college with.'
smiled and looked at him for a second. She took a long breath before speaking
and said - That's because, in college, you were unobservant and I was
stupidly-in-love. Now, you are observant and I am wise.
laughed, knowing exactly what she meant, and said: There is one thing that
didn't change about both of us.
that? - Kajal asked quietly.
are still good at conveying your emotions and I am still bad at it. - Shivam
said looking in to her eyes. Shivam could tell Kajal wanted to say something
but just nodded in response.
was a long pause between them before Kajal said- 'I should get going. I don't
want to miss that flight.'
It was great to see to you after so long Kajal.' - Shivam said hoping he would
never run in to her again.
it was. - Kajal said as she turned to leave.
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