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If I Were 22

It Was All Worth It !

(Originally posted on LinkedIn Pulse)

If I knew the intensity of the hardships and the pain that I would have to go through in order to achieve my goals, I would probably tell my 22-year-old self, not to set such high goals that will suck the life out of her by the time she achieved them.

But then if I DID give that advice to my 22-year-old self, I would be leading a very mediocre life today, and not the one that I thought was too good to be true when I was 22.

So I would rather tell my 22-year-old self : " You will go through some unthinkable hardships, you will have to make some unpleasant decisions, you will have to endure some life-threatening failures, but do not give up because, at the end, it will be all worth it."



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